
Search "user:Brasque"

9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Changing piece styles/theme#4

Seen your edit. Thanks, got it now.

General Chess Discussion - Changing piece styles/theme#3

My Lichess menu looks nothing like that. Is that a mobile version? My menu doesn't have a pieceset option. Somehow the chess pieces have changed to something weird (not my doing) and I can't get them …

General Chess Discussion - Changing piece styles/theme#1

How do I change the Lichess chess set? The palette icon has vanished.

Lichess Feedback - The material difference numerical value is kinda ugly...#8

Nevermind. Figured it out.

Lichess Feedback - The material difference numerical value is kinda ugly...#7

What does "Bishop 0" mean? That is, a zero after the icon for a bishop?

General Chess Discussion - Can someone please explain this puzzle to me?#7

@bearybear I think humans did play most of those moves. Don't the puzzles come from games played on lichess?

Lichess Feedback - How do I practice a specific opening with Lichess?#3

Ah. Excellent. Was starting to lose patience,

Lichess Feedback - How do I practice a specific opening with Lichess?#1

How do I practice a specific opening with Lichess? For example, I want to learn the King's Indian defence. How can I get "the machine" to cooperate by playing the right moves? I want to do 1. d4 Nf6 2…

Game analysis - Puzzle 22354#2

When the machine looks at the puzzle in the "Analysis Board" it goes with the rook and gets mate in 5 (like you say). I've noticed puzzles with multiple solutions, this should no doubt be one of them.…
