
Search "user:Boomer34"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - TITLED Arena#7

Agreed. I have no interest in watching 1+0

General Chess Discussion - Classical tournaments! an new hope?#15

I don't think that is a valid enough reason to not run classical tournaments...there are lots of people who would play and enjoy...I hope this is being considered by Lichess!

General Chess Discussion - Classical tournaments! an new hope?#11

I agree...when I saw these recent changes with Rapid and Classical, the first thing I thought, was that I really hope Lichess figures out a way to begin some type of classical tournaments!

General Chess Discussion - Disconnection Etiquette?#1

Two part question: Situation: I was demolishing a similar rated opponent. I was up 11 points of material through 18 moves in a 15+15 game. I was playing on my iPhone and got a call. I switched over to…
