
Search "user:BlueRepublik"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - My opponent randomly got time back during a game#1

For whatever reason around move 17 my opponent suddenly had above 2 minutes in a 2+0 bullet game. I was playing trash anyways and probably would've lost, but I didn't hit the +15 button and don't know…

Lichess Feedback - Simuls#7

yeah it's not just on the create-a-simul end, but whenever i join a simul i can no longer withdraw the usual "withdraw" button is replaced with the "join" button and i can't get out

Lichess Feedback - Coding problem with iframe#4

aha! thank you i love you i love you i love you i love you

Lichess Feedback - Coding problem with iframe#2

ugh well apparently the embed just works beautifully for lichess, but for a visual of what my code is i still have it here:

Lichess Feedback - Coding problem with iframe#1

I have the following code: <iframe width=1500 height=471 src="" bg=dark frameborder=0></iframe> in the html portion of (I'm using this as a …

Game analysis - when you have massive avantage and have to go#2

I love the White side of the Giuoco Piano, I know a few good opening traps, but this just goes to show how good of a position black can get if White isn't careful. too bad you couldn't stay to prosecu…
