
Search "user:AnatolijKasparov"

132 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#6

@Heuss4726Player said in #4: > Bd3+ Ke1 Ah my god, indeed :) . Was staring and rechecking for half an hour and didn't see it. Everything is ok with the universe. Thank you

General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#3

Thank you. Ok, I'll show the winning move, but you not seeing it might mean I made some error. Instead of Kh7(???), the obvious winning move is Bd3+ . The only move white has is to give up his queen f…

General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#1

So I am watching Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland 2024: Day 2 . Please go to youtube and find the video, it was streamed by Saint Louis Chess Club. Gukesh white plays Magnus. Please go to 4:11:10. Gukesh…

Off-Topic Discussion - Raise your voice!#5

I had to give it a heart, although I don't condone going off topic.

General Chess Discussion - Here is a game Bobby Fischer Lost#5

@juliegirl1999 Lost to some unknown guy, a?

Off-Topic Discussion - Albert Einstein says...#3

Einstein also sad: "The square of the hypotenuse in right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other sides"

Off-Topic Discussion - Is anyone visited Greece?#12

@FC-in-the-UK said in #11: > If you keep making these topics, please consider making them at least grammatically correct. "has anyone visited..." Or "had anyone visited ..."

General Chess Discussion - i drew a match with stockfish level 8 (unbelievable) !!#33

@Akbar2thegreat Exactly. Regardless of 37 take-backs, and even that Rxd2 blunder, let say it was a glitch in software, it made too many inaccuracies before that, and continued to play like that agains…

General Chess Discussion - i drew a match with stockfish level 8 (unbelievable) !!#30

I don't know why everybody is talking about take-backs, when it's obvious that something is off with stockfish. I actually continued playing this game right after stockfish made that blunder (20...,Rx…

General Chess Discussion - solve this mate in two puzzle#12

Ah, I see now, Bb7 is zugzwang, mate in two. Cool. But that's the only solution. 1Ne3+ is not mate in two.
