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3158 forum posts
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Off-Topic Discussion - PGN to FEN conversion#11

I never had anything to do with PGN. I just wrote a FEN decoder and encoder exchanging between a custom binary-encoded positions storage compressor I wrote in C. But a FEN-based chess games database w…

General Chess Discussion - Can someone explain how this castling in 960 works?#4

>movement of the cat

Off-Topic Discussion - Poem about kitty cats#16

Cats don't sound like that, you fucking pothead. They go like this: ROOOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!~!!!1!111!

Off-Topic Discussion - Poem about kitty cats#13

What a waste of time! Why not just take a shit in the thing and be done with it? :)

Off-Topic Discussion - Check my chess logo#6

dat horse... The logo makes me think of one thing. 2 horse's, 1 cup

General Chess Discussion - Таймер крутят - факт!#3

Um, so in other words, they're using positional strategy on the clock to make sure they win? Gee, they should be banned and condemned for life.

Lichess Feedback - Player openings?#3

A very valuable feature indeed, but far beyond intensive and latent on the site database to implement it here. Ideally we would need to restructure the game database to store integers on everyone's pr…
