
Search "user:Karpfenkopf"

186 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Timeout and Draw#25

Oh, you're right. In a position like rooks could be capured. That's not a case like the position from op. In o…

General Chess Discussion - Woodpecker Method#7

It's all about chunks: With all these methods we learn more and more of that. Everything counts, even if one does one position daily. But i thin…

General Chess Discussion - How do I play the Blackmar-Deimer Gambit?#2

There should be enough articles, videos, books to get a start, e.g.

General Chess Discussion - Timeout and Draw#19

@OneDummHikk That's a qoute from @drunkenM4ST4 s Post. I agree with your post. You could have eight pawns, two rooks and one bishop on each side and there is still no way to do any capture. @h2b2 I ag…

General Chess Discussion - Timeout and Draw#8

It would be brute force just for getting every possible case, that's using too much computer power to evaluate every finished game, which was terminated by win on time. Run it only on longer time cont…

General Chess Discussion - 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d5 3.Nf3 What next?#6

Learn the best lines and hurt them when playing inferior. E. g. the move order with early Nf3 has drawbacks. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d5 3. Nf3 c5 4. e3 Nc6 5. c3 Qb6 6. Qb3 c4 7. Qc2 (7. Qxb6 axb6 is also fi…

General Chess Discussion - Why people (especially anonymous )are doing this? #4

At least on the mobile app it's maybe a missclick. The buttons are next to another. Happened to me several times and i guess it's the same for other players. No problem.

General Chess Discussion - Timeout and Draw#4

For that lichess would have to program the engine to find the worst possible sequence of moves within 50 moves. If it is still 0,0 then a draw is declared. I think that just a few games end that way, …

General Chess Discussion - 2020 Spring Marathon is bullet!?#10

@Moving_Pieces : It's arena format, not swiss system. Two guys could play forever and no other player has to wait for them. See the tournament description: "How does the pairing work? At the beginning…

General Chess Discussion - 2020 Spring Marathon is bullet!?#6

Retired bullet. But still much too fast for some compatriot who posted here before. ;)
