
Search "user:Zenchess"

29 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Maintain the Tension - Chess Concept video I made#1

Hello. I used to livestream on twitch and had some chess videos on google video years ago. I'm slowly getting back into it and have re-launched my youtube channel and created my first video after all …

Game analysis - Never give up!#1 This was a 5 0 game I played on a different chess site...I just wanted to post it to go along the theme of "never give up!". I lost a solid piece early on and wanted…

Game analysis - My win against Alexander Beliavsky#4

Great game

General Chess Discussion - Engine Move That Eludes My Understanding#11

Ok. So first off, h4 does not give black a knight outpost on g4. An outpost square is a square in which the piece cannot be driven back from. In this case g4 is not an outpost square because at any ti…

General Chess Discussion - Engine Move That Eludes My Understanding#9

This topic is really triggering me. can you just post the position?

General Chess Discussion - Engine Move That Eludes My Understanding#5


General Chess Discussion - Played vs a cheater?#5

Good point #4. Btw is the guy really from North Korea? Wtf? Surely that's not real.

General Chess Discussion - Played vs a cheater?#2

How do you know that is the game in which you played against a cheater? I don't think the message that notifies you played against a cheater tells you which specific game the cheater was from. It can …

General Chess Discussion - Smoother lichess piece dragging - disable aero#1

I noticed that dragging pieces in lichess was kind of skippy or laggy and just didn't feel right. I'm used to ICC which is smoother. But then I noticed that ICC didn't feel that smooth anymore either…
