
Search "user:TheZyrax"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Premove timing#6

Maybe I don't have a clue what Im talking about, but here goes. Only fixing the premoves would in such a case make normal moves inferior in time pressure. Would it not be better if possible to time st…

Lichess Feedback - Use own engine Dlls for post-game analysis#4

This is something i too would like to see. Where you load your engine from you computer and use your own cpu to look at different lines. The only website i've seen this feature on is on chesstempo. I …

Lichess Feedback - Keyboard piece movement#3

This is nice to here. Regarding the brainstorming for fastest possible output. It might speed up the process to use QWER as ABCD and ASDF as EFGH and the thumb could press ZXCVB for pisces selection N…

Lichess Feedback - Keyboard piece movement#1

Keyboard piece movement is a function that i personally miss. And many many chess programs out there really forget about. In general the maximum amount of keyboard commands out do the max with a mouse…
