
Search "user:Di-Caprio"

39 forum posts
Game analysis - My win vs a 2184#3

Yes, we agree. How is it possible sometime there is 2000 + but not very strong?

Game analysis - My win vs a 2184#1

Hello guys, what do you think about my last game? Is that me who played good or my oponent who made errors?

General Chess Discussion - Rank#18

No i think there is very hight level on blitz.

General Chess Discussion - Rank#16

And i see on bullet and blitz you under 1600 so im right too, blitz peoples are better.

General Chess Discussion - Rank#14

I just beated a 1800 in ranked, this is on blitz that peoples are the most amazing being only 1400 or 1500

General Chess Discussion - Rank#13

Ok but the thing i dont understand is: a 1200 in real life, is a complete beginner, so a 1400 is not amazing right? Here i see 1600 rank who know all openings traps and play really good...

Game analysis - Bullet 1 min, first try#9

Thank you laminator. I made some errors because of fast moves, i mhappy a good player like you appreciate my games, because im self taught and i strated 1 year ago.

Game analysis - Bullet 1 min, first try#7

I wait the answer abpit 60 or 1 + 0 , i have no idea too. Im dure the link show my bullet game but its wrote 60. And what do you think about my game?

General Chess Discussion - Looking for friend With High skill#3

Thank you, i already followed some videos, but i learn nothing. I explain: there is so much combinations that i cant retain everything. Except some traps i didnt known, i learned playing hard alone on…

Game analysis - Bullet 1 min, first try#5

Ok, it was an bullet 1+0 but i dont know why when i check my link, its wrote 60+0.
