
Search "user:nadjarostowa"

874 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Players disconnects after early blunder#20

@mrbasso said in #18: > The accuracy is calculated badly. Still you are expected to blunder back at that rating, not to play the game perfectly to the end. But only one game is not enough to say anyth…

Lichess Feedback - Players disconnects after early blunder#9

@Chessfinnisher said in #8: > And I doubt that reading an email. would disconnect you from the lichess site. Not in your browser, but if they are on mobile with only one app open at the time, it proba…

Lichess Feedback - Are some Puzzles actually not that useful?#3

There's the option to thumb up / down when the puzzle is finished. Useful is quite a vague term, though. What is useful? I think some are pointless, but those are pretty rare, and incorrect ones are e…

Lichess Feedback - Players disconnects after early blunder#6

Thank you for confirming that you meant that recent game. None of the moves by your opponent were suspicious. They rarely were within the couple of top engines moves. They were very human moves if you…

Lichess Feedback - Players disconnects after early blunder#2

Most of the time, it is your perception that is leading you astray. For example, if you have a look at one of your recent rapid games, where the opponent blunders a bishop early in the game. You were …

General Chess Discussion - What if I participate a tournament which has prizes for winner but lichess is not responsible ?!#9

@Rimac_C2 said in #8: > ofc the person who organized found it no use to give prizes, I don't think that "of course" is a reasonable attribute for fraud. If you offer prizes, you have to provide them. …

Lichess Feedback - что с рейтингом#2

Well, you could nicely ask how the rating system works. It depends on the difference of the ratings of the opponents, and on how stable the ratings are (rating deviatio…

Off-Topic Discussion - What's the difference between 0+60 and 1+60?#11

This thread probably should have started in "Feedback" or "General Chess"... But maybe @XBLAAAA could be more specific what he is asking? What do you expect, and what did you get instead? I am really …

General Chess Discussion - What if I participate a tournament which has prizes for winner but lichess is not responsible ?!#2

I don't think there's a good solution. Your only address to get your prize from seems the organizer. Maybe ask in their forum and/or chat. That being said, the prize structure including book pdfs is a…

Game analysis - Should people give up early?#2

Well, takebacks are usually only used for obvious mouse slips (if ever). It is not the purpose to create a game free of mistakes. If you hang a piece, just live with the consequences, and try to be mo…
