
Search "user:n48r"

50 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - *In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?#17


Off-Topic Discussion - OD-ing on Lichess?#13

Man. There are creeps, creeps everywhere.

Off-Topic Discussion - My dream#13

There are more of out there you know, you're not alone. Trying to engage in socializing with normies is the bane of our existence. There always seems to be an inverse relationship between high IQ and …

Off-Topic Discussion - How Tough is your life?#40

In terms of how hard my life has been, it's a 11/10 (without exaggeration) and nothing fazes me anymore. Serial bad luck follows every where I go. I'm one of the most perpetually unlucky people I know…

Off-Topic Discussion - How Tough is your life?#39

Everything is overrated. Life is overrated. The rat race is overrated. Death is overrated.

Off-Topic Discussion - What's your deepest and darkest stupid fear?#21

I fear the earth turning into Idiocracy in the future [bonus points for those who get the reference right]

Off-Topic Discussion - why men stronger than women?#67

SMH. Here's something that's also biological fact. Only women are capable of childbirth. That is physical strength of a different kind, again based on biology. ISTG in the future if we had advanced ha…

Off-Topic Discussion - Would you rather want...#34

Eh, why would I want 30M friends, having one or two really close meaningful friendships these days is hard enough. One cannot have a meaningful relationship as friends with 30,000,000 people. That's 3…

Off-Topic Discussion - What is your favourite movie#59

The Fountain.

General Chess Discussion - I FOUND THE FIRST GAME IN LICHESS (and the first player to register in Lichess)!#14

This is some interesting trivia...
