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67 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to overcome your overconfidence while playing a chess match#2

Play against Stockfish 8.

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a good game to invest my free time?#8

@Firegoat7 said in #7: > As for Lichess, well to be truly impartial, enjoy it while it lasts because it wont be around as long as chess. Is that a threat?

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a good game to invest my free time?#4

#3 You can't just publicly shame people for cheating.

General Chess Discussion - New Chess Book: The Silicon Road To Chess Improvement#6

#5 if there were logic in computer chess moves, it would've been solved already.

Game analysis - Another outrageous queen sac and a big mistake#4

It's not big, a big mistake would be `b5` at a WCM.

General Chess Discussion - How can i become competitive in chess?#11

@giancz91 said in #8: > Openings are not very important until you begin to get VERY strong. Openings are the most important thing for CASUAL chess players. And quick way to score once you master it.

General Chess Discussion - Philosophical pursuit in chess#3

No need to be lost in literature. Actually goal of exchanging pieces leads to waste of time. Instead you should put your pieces in defensive positions, and move back and forth in your fortress, if you…

General Chess Discussion - What are some moves, you have never played before#4

I have to recalculate my math, a move consists of two coordinates and a piece type. position to move from, position to move to, and the piece to be played. So sorry about that.

General Chess Discussion - What are some moves, you have never played before#1

In any part of the game, The more you play some moves, the likely they will come up to your mind in the future, what are some moves, you would like to have played in serious games but never have. Ther…

General Chess Discussion - stockfish 15#3

stockfish is bunch of hacks around position evaluation and some fancy tricks to cut down the search tree nothing else.
