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53 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I have question on men and girls chess?#32

"In the study, the scientists also discussed the question of why so few women participate in chess at all. While it's possible that there exists a self-selection process based on innate biological dif…

General Chess Discussion - I have question on men and girls chess?#30

#29 yup, and where exactly in that text do they have empirical evidence that structural differences are the main cause for chess playing ability, as LakoCro pretty confidently claimed? To be clear her…

General Chess Discussion - I have question on men and girls chess?#28

#21 #27 "Agreeing to disagree" is kind of a funny reaction when you are confronted with facts about your (pretty obviously sexist) opinion that "women are better in all things which envolves empathy […

General Chess Discussion - I have question on men and girls chess?#20

If I were a girl and would read shit like this thread on a regular basis, I also wouldn't feel very welcome. There are many female chess players around here on lichess, but they don't tell you outrigh…

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Lichess Feedback - Friends list drop-down doesn't show on 100% zoom (Firefox 77, 1280x720)#3

Update: Effective window size (actual website window, so minus tab-bar, windows bar and one line of bookmarks) is 1280 x 579, which is apparently 21 px too shallow. Without the bookmarks (so just the …

General Chess Discussion - Good Bye Lichess#16

Imagine thinking that saying you shouldn't value lifes of other races less is a political opinion. The fact that you think mentioning that black lifes are worth as much as white lifes is an attack on …

Lichess Feedback - Friends list drop-down doesn't show on 100% zoom (Firefox 77, 1280x720)#1

The friends list drop-down does not show when my browser zoom is on 100%, it shows only when I zoom out to 90% I use a Thinkpad L13, currently on Win10 Firefox 77, but the problem also occurs on Ubunt…

Game analysis - What went wrong?#3

I think a golden rule when defending slightly worse endings is that you should be comfortable doing nothing. Let your opponent try to find progress and only weaken yourself for counterplay when absolu…

Game analysis - What do you think of my line against the Sicilian, (5. Qe2)#19

@Groove_And_Chess I guess the idea behind Qe2 in your examples is that: 1. black has already played e6, and 2. there is no knight on d4 to kick, meaning that e5-d5-plan as black loses 2 tempi compared…
