
Search "user:aerdna69"

19 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Getting always tactics played few times when searching for specific themes#1

Does this happen to you as well? When I play a tactic normally, from, it's ok, I get tactics played thousands of times. When I play specific ones, like by…

General Chess Discussion - Ask Lichess Anything#84

When will Lichess Tutor be out? I've been banned from lichess discord for asking about it. (That's a true story, when asked about it Thibault literally responded "when it will be out.", then other guy…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Half-Year Update & New Feature Sneak Preview#25

@Akbar2thegreat said in #23: > Only good out of those things is Tutor and puzzles and insights. Something tells me you are not a visually impaired user.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Half-Year Update & New Feature Sneak Preview#24

Lichess Tutor sounds absolutely fire. With that said, I've been already requesting blindfold being a separate variant, are you working on it?

Lichess Feedback - When will blindfold become a separate variant?#13

@vaasuS said in #12: > What if the game was opened in a phone, local chess engine (offline) ? We can't. Let's also delete liChess for the same reason, shouldn't we?

Lichess Feedback - When will blindfold become a separate variant?#9

@Chosenbond said in #8: > No way to find if opponent has the position in another tab, it is better as a feature than a variant I absolutely disagree. Of course you can know if there's the same game in…

Lichess Feedback - When will blindfold become a separate variant?#7

@AnimeWillDieSoon said in #5: > In a long game like 5+1 it is difficult to police if opponent is really blindfolded or have they opened the position on new tab or their chessbase . Having played a cou…

Lichess Feedback - When will blindfold become a separate variant?#6

@MrPushwood said in #2: > Why should it be a "variant"? for the same reason horde is a variant. Why should horde be a "variant"?

Lichess Feedback - When will blindfold become a separate variant?#1

Right now the feature is ok for playing with friends, otherwise you can't know if the other opponent is also playing blindfold. Why isn't blindfold a chess variant such as 960, horde etc? Do you think…
