
Search "user:TaielChess"

41 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess 45+45 Team League Season 21 starts in 9 hours!#1

Hello everyone! As many of you know in a few hours the new season of the 4545 team league is starting, in case you have no idea what this means you can find more information here https://www.lichess45…

Lichess Feedback - First QM Button: 20+10 vs 30+0 vs ?? #15

I think 20+10 should be a quick pairing button as it's the TC used in the Classical Arenas! It makes sense that you practice the TC before the tournament, if I have to decided I will choose 20+10 and …

Lichess Feedback - Tournament finish before the hour selected#2

lichess crashed, that might be the reason

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle of the day - is this one a joke?#2

not everyone has the same tactical awareness you have, to some people that problem will take minutes, it's just a random puzzle.

Lichess Feedback - Unkown accounts watching me #4

they were in spectator mode, you shouldn't worry, it's just people that saw you were online and entered the game, you can also do that

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#65

@Molorus Actually #8 said that and also I said I read this whole thread and all the the related ones, this is not the only thread where people are complaining and enjoying the new feature. PS: I said …

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#63

Reading the whole thread and all the related as well, found that people don't want to play 15+10 over 15+15 because their games will count as "Rapid" instead of "Classical". I even saw a comment that …

General Chess Discussion - Petition to bring back 15 +15#29

To those people who are horrifed that there is a new time control which is 30+0, I want you to know that those games usually last the same as 15+15. Also you are not obligated to choose 30+20 if you d…

General Chess Discussion - Are we really playing humans on here?#16

In relation to my post in #12 I remember a game I was down a piece with a horrible position, I was also down in the clock but I played 20...Bxf3 in 3 seconds and 21...Bxg2!! in 100 seconds. You can be…

Lichess Feedback - LOVING the new Quick Pairing game options#30

I really like the new quick pairing buttons, it's rare to me that 20+10 was not added as it's the time control used in all Classical Arenas on Friday. But I like 30+0 and 30+20 to me it's a huge impro…
