
Search "user:BrandrokID"

20 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Problem with Sounds in iOS#1

Issue: For a week or so, when I play a game, the sounds are either gone completely or barely audible, even when I have the volume maxed. Silent mode is off and audio and ringtones are functioning norm…

Lichess Feedback - Coordinates Trainer#3

Also, it would be nice if there was a mode where you just enter a move from a random position as quickly as possible. Like Qa5+ or something. You could just use random positions from the tactics train…

General Chess Discussion - How To Avoid Engine Users#28

OP, how much time do you spend pre-screening all of your opponents? What do you think your false positive and false negative rates are? What do you think the underlying percentage of cheaters at your …

Lichess Feedback - Suggestions on sounds & animations#2

Get rid of the sound for when you hit the move confirmation. It's a really loud zing that makes me want to turn off move confirmation even in my correspondence games.

General Chess Discussion - Time Out Question#1

I've had some weird things happen with the chess clock lately. For example, in this 2+1 game ( my last move Bxf1 is literally on the board. I still have that tab open …

Lichess Feedback - Board layout where every 64 squares is marked "f3" etc.#2

I want this too. Like big, partially transparent lettering in every square stating the coordinate position.

Lichess Feedback - Let me adjust the Board Size in the Coordinate Trainer#1

I like to play my games with a small board size. When I use the coordinate trainer, the size of the coordinate prompt is still giant font and now covers most the board. So, there's like a huge "G3" th…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: Chrome - after computer analysis of game is complete, the 'processing circle' keeps turning #4

I get this a lot too, both on Chrome and the iOS app.

Lichess Feedback - Add rapid with increment to the quick pairing options#3


Lichess Feedback - Computer Analysis Runs and Runs - Doesn't finish on its own#1

When I request a computer analysis of a game, it rarely seems to finish on its own. Instead, it just runs and runs and I just have to use my judgement to guess when it would have finished and reload t…
