
Search "user:A-Cielbleu"

245 forum posts
Game analysis - Interesting positional game with English opening#4

Although the position looks innocuous for quite some time, I believe that Black has let White play his own game for too long. The "Botvinnik cup" setup is a dangerous attacking formation in the long r…

Game analysis - An almost perfect game (2200 vs 2300 - 10 ACPL)#2

The game definitely deserves a celebration, in particular because it has some theoretical value. Black makes actually only one mistake in the game, with some other inaccuracies later in an already dif…

General Chess Discussion - Fantasy Candidates and the wild card issue#1

Up to now, we have three players already qualified for the Candidates Tournament : Caruana, Ding, Radjabov. The 4th one is almost certain : Giri, by rating. If you read the FIDE Grand Prix standings, …

Game analysis - Halloween a month in advance, or false triple zeroes#1

In the following game, a Halloween gambit, Stockfish analysis credited me with a triple zero. I've analyzed the game myself and cannot concur with such a flattering …

Game analysis - Coach, explain to the student why Black lost without making a single mistake.#3

Congratulations for a very typical "Positionnal Grand Prix". In the spirit of a Saemisch Nimzo-Indian with colors reversed, the queenside is crippled to make the opponent's bishop pair ineffective. Gi…

Game analysis - What was White's plan in this opening#2

(1) The move 1.e3 in itself is not bad, as it transposes into interesting lines soon enough. It gives Black a lot of choice, which is in principle a bad idea (because White has to know a lot of very d…

Game analysis - Ragozin, trend management and automatic assessment#3

Totally agreed ! It's not a Ragozin, and it is much further away from a Ragozin than I initially thought. It is actually a transposition into a mistreated Stonewall Dutch, with Bb4 and dxc4 (two moves…

Game analysis - Ragozin, trend management and automatic assessment#1

I've played a very instructive game today in a slightly modified Ragozin variation. It is interesting in three aspects. Firstly, it shows that this variation, although popular at the highest level (on…

General Chess Discussion - Good [white] openings for 1700#22

You have no less than four different approaches to 1.Nf3. You can actually mix them up to some extent to compose a repertoire, but some internal consistency will be needed. 1) The Reti approach : 1.Nf…

General Chess Discussion - Good [white] openings for 1700#9

It is impossible to give a good advice without knowing more about your playing style. 1700, formerly playing the London opening, that doesn't say much. What do you play with Black ? Do you like endgam…
