
Kasparov, how?

Since Kasparov lost to an Engine ( Is it Deep Blue?) he has not been the same. It is the same with other very competitive sport/game personalty. It is a very fragile self perception. IMHO
WTF to #4: Every statement is just purely wrong!

Anyway 1977 Kasparov was 14 so you shouldn't expect every game completely free of mistakes at that time.
lol, if that game was played in '77 Kasparov wasn't even rated yet. Dolmatov is a few years older, so Garri probably just hadn't caught up yet.

#7 2620 must be Domatov's peak rating, he certainly wasn't rated that high in the seventies.
I heard morphy used an Android to win all his games.
#4 Chess was invented in 1823?

To #4 - You're a liar and a troll.

By the way first iPhone was released in 2007

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