
Decent correspondence game. Any advice?

Here is on of my better games: Critique at will, and don't be too hard on my opponent. He'd never seen the English before (and then beat me next game with the Van't Kruijs). I am ready to learn!
Also, we played this game about like a 10+0 game, but more relaxed.
Well, 10... g4 seems questionable, as it isn't really doing anything. I might try exploiting it with a f pawn push, moving the queen to d2 and the knight back, probably to e1. That's really my only takeaway, you finished him off pretty quick.
I agree with the study of @Crisptapeworm. Black played the opening well for not being familiar with it. 8...h6? is not justified by the position. Black's pieces are not developed yet. The move 8...h6 does nothing useful. 9...Be7 is weird. If 8...h6 had some purpose, then it would have been 9...g5 intending 10...Bg7. 11...e4 and 12...Nc5 are some form of hara kiri. Contrary to the title I do not consider this a decent game, certainly not for correspondence.
I say decent because I only had two inaccuracies, according to Stockfish.

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