
Black Lives Matter

Completely agree. however if you know that this is the issue (cops going nuts and being more violent and basically being supported to do so) then why would you give them more reason to do exactly what they want to do? Again not saying they are right in doing what they are doing, I am saying that you are not helping the situation at all!!!
It's because they are supporting BLM movement, which IMHO is a political movement. The movement claims to be fighting systemic racism, but I don't know about any legislation in the US(but I don't even live in US, so please enlighten me) which is targetting black people.

I completely agree there is a problem with police brutality(actually it's a problem in other parts of the worls as well).
Racism? F*** racists, but don't lie saying there is a systemic racism and people are privileged if you can't prove it.
The problem the AllLivesMatter guys have is that they don't see the systemic racism because they aren't affected by it. Obviously all lives matter and obviously BLM isn't saying "Only black lives matter".
First of all, it is great to see this important topic being respectful discussed here. No matter who I support politically, is is of paramount importance we listen to all of the protests. Listening, feeling their pain, and asking ourselves what WE would want in their situation is how we fix this issue, and how we shrink and end the inequality. I agree with many of the posts here, in that all lives matter, and thus those lives who are oppressed matter too. The best end and fix to the inequality and pain is to feel what the black community feels, and then come together peacefully and bring major change.

Again, thank you Lichess for discussing this. It's important to share all opinions and listen so we can come together and solve the problem.
@nowyfolder You've literally said the movement claims to be fighting systemic racism, and then gone on to say there's a problem with police brutality. Police brutality disproportionately affects black people in the US, and this is something BLM are highlighting.
@nowyfolder Voter suppression, gerrymandering and sentencing laws are specifically targeting black people. It is illegal to explicitly target one race, so obviously you won't find a law that says "black people shall be disadvantaged". But law makers can look at data and figure out which policies would disproportionately affect black people. There has been a court case about voter suppression in Pennsylvania where the judge said that black people were targeted with almost surgical precision. It is possible to be racist without making laws saying "black people shall be disadvantaged".
@Lonerdruid -- Sorry, but I wasn't "demanding". I simply and politely asked a question. HUGE difference, imho. :)

Nobody has to justify things to me, but I believe that clarifying those criteria would be beneficial to a better understanding of what Lichess stands for. Not just for me, but for everyone who reads these posts.

Now, Thibault did state in another post that "Lichess stands against racism and police brutality". That is good to know. I assume they also stand for climate change issues, hence the previous Greta Thunberg post.

So, I look forward to seeing equally prompt Lichess announcements whenever there is a hot issue on these 3 topics. And yes, I do reserve the right to call them out (politely) if I see that other racism, police brutality or climate change issues are not treated with the same promptness and involvement. (Sincerely hope that will *not* be the case.)
Thanks for raising this „hot iron“ as we say in German. Respect!

But: happy moderating, keep up the good work!

I am though and I do... I am white and I am affected by blatant racism in my country. I am the least likely to get a job because of my color and sex (male), I am the most likely to get into trouble when it comes to police and I am not even (as a white person) eligible for relief fund (covid-19) money even if i didnt have a job etc... These are just facts of living in my country. I dont want there to be a #WhiteLivesMatter movement...
What garbage.

BLM is just a front for the anarchist left in America, now spreading globally.

The protestors have made their point and gone home before sunset. Only the rioters remain on the streets now.

More people have been killed by rioters in America this last week, that unarmed black people were killed by Cops in the whole of 2019 - and clearly most of them were trying to kill cops with cars or bricks. Fact check it if you like.

Lichess staff should leave their woke politics at home and keep this server free for chess only.

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