
Hello, I am Joseph Saelee (JdMfX_) the 2 time world champion at NES Tetris. How to play chess?

@s2numbuq35i said in #2:
> welcome to Lichess.

I want to add that from me personally, this is a conditional welcome, meaning that by being a good host, we expect people to be a good guest. Things that we frown upon are feigning an identity, things that we frown upon even more is lying about your OTB/FIDE rating, especially while promoting a youtube channel. Please fix those issues, I assure you it can be fun here without such "embellishments".
@PTX187 said in #12:
> Tetris world champion Jonas Neubauer plays real-time chess (aka storm chess).
> There is no such variant of chess on this site.
> If you are interested in classical chess, then the best strategy is to study with a professional coach.
I beat him in 2018 CTWC. btw he died in 2021 so R.I.P.
@PTX187 said in #12:
> Tetris world champion Jonas Neubauer plays real-time chess (aka storm chess).
> There is no such variant of chess on this site.
> If you are interested in classical chess, then the best strategy is to study with a professional coach.
Tested it. Seems fun!
Hi, this may have been written already, but I recommend that you click the "learn" button at the top, and then the "chess basics" button that pops up beneath it. I think that is probably a solid first step to learning the chess basics!!

Good luck sir.

PS: If you have any questions on chess, you can go to the forums, and create a post there under "General Chess Discussion!". Hope that helps

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