
stuck at 2100, how to get to 2200?

Study tactics, and failing that, just stay away from the forums. You'll get better I promise!

And maybe failing that, study some master games.

And if all of that doesn't work, watch Ben Finegold.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #7:
> And how would you define 'thinking like a GM'? I mean your comment makes no sense to help OP.

For details consult a GM, preferably Kotov.
I feel like my openings aren't so good... Should I study them more seriously by now?
@pointlesswindows said in #12:
> For details consult a GM, preferably Kotov.
And how to consult a GM?
I mean consulting a GM is not as easy as consulting as doctor!
@The_Beserker said in #15:
> I feel like my openings aren't so good... Should I study them more seriously by now?
Opening moves are book moves so they don't matter. Don't waste time on openings.
Middlegame is crucial as it requires strategy buildup and endgame is important as it decides fate so best is to study lot of endgame and understand middle game strategy with help of books.
@The_Beserker - I have seen two of your last lost games (played tomorrow). Pay more patience for tactical shots. Choose opening where you feel well and do not leave your king alone, capturing pieces like opponent's pawns which have no impact on the actual situation. You can aim more for general strenghts in typical positions you like to play. You can watch explanations on youtube or read a book about it.
@The_Beserker said in #15:
> I feel like my openings aren't so good... Should I study them more seriously by now?

Yes. If you reached 2100 without a good opining repertory, it means you can do much better with a well chosen one. This is part of how I got to 2230 rapid/classical peak in 2016. It made me feel comfortable and familiarized with the games I played. I used surprise openings which either gave me positional advantage (if they played fast) or clock advantage (if they took the time to understand the surprise), to spend in the middlegame.

My suggestion is to download all of your games to use a tool that analyzes your strength in each main opening and then the variants of each opening. After understanding better what works better for your, your strengths and weaknesses, you can use another online tool to create your repertory.

The opening repertory results will be highly dependent on time control and opponents strength. For instance, a tricky variant may work in bullet/blitz or against weaker rapid opponents but not against stronger rapid opponents. So be aware that the kind of opening repertory should match the time control and opponent's range.

It is a lot of work, which can feel boring at first, but it pays off, which is then exciting.
You should concentrate on ONE time control to get to 2200.. One at a time. If you play different time control you will be stuck.

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