
Why does so many people support Hans Niemann?

I honestly lost my faith in humanity. This guy cheated 100 times on Including in tournaments that had money as prize. Which means he literally tried to steal that money since he was not playing clean. He lied when he said he cheated only twice. He lied when he said the last time he cheated he was 16. He lied when he said it only happened in not rated games. But some how a bunch of "fans" sympatize with this liar and even support him. WTF?!!

"bUt yOu hAvE tO uNdeRstANd ThAt hE dInT cHeAt oN tHE bOaRd"

Are you really naive enough to think that a guy who cheated over 100 times online never ever cheated OTB? Seriously? Your brain is in your head so you can use it. It ́s not a souvenir. So use it. If you cheat to get money online you obviously will cheat OTB if you have the chance.

And the most mindblowing thing is that these guys are angry at Super GMs that dont trust Hans. They are not mad at the fact that Hans tried to get money cheating on online tournaments. They are mad at the guys who never cheated and refuse to play him. To me, the only resonable explanation to this behavior is that these Hans supporters are just like him. Cheaters. And that ́s why they defend him
Hans manipulated them so now they are just useful idiots. Also lack of critical thinking in today's world is just sad..
Sorta funny post especially stuff like this:
> "bUt yOu hAvE tO uNdeRstANd ThAt hE dInT cHeAt oN tHE bOaRd"
always makes me laugh, but I dislike these types of post since it's just pointless bickering and spammy.

> He lied when he said it only happened in not rated games.
By rated, I believe Hans meant FIDE rated, and not rated. OTB players hold online rating points in low regard. Literal dross.

I am far from being on team Hans Niemann, but your post is just so full of non sequiturs.
The world is not as black and white as you want to paint it. I believe that Hans needs to be punished for the the games he cheated in (supposedly, already did this regarding the games on their site, but upon Magnus's command Hans got banned again...) and, if there are reasonable indications he cheated OTB, he should be punished for that too. I also don't think it was wrong for Magnus to challenge Hans in some fashion. Mangus and, however, have gone the route of public smearing. There needs to be a due process, not judgment by the social media hoards. I don't support the cheating, but I also don't support the way it has been handled. Many of the Magnus supporters don't care about that; you can't question the way it has been handled without "supporting a cheater" in their eyes.

One last thing: other players cheated in those money online tournaments, but you're not getting any real outcry from Magnus or or a lot of their defenders on those folks. This is a very personal feud between Magnus and Hans.

I guess if this point of view makes you lose your faith in humanity and my beliefs make me "just like him".....tough.
Dear OP,

I believe you are correct. Hans did cheat profusely on “Chess” and from the report, it seems he did it to try to gain fame and fortune as he cheated repeatedly while streaming and playing for a prize purse. He has also apparently worked very hard to train for OTB play at the highest level, so he is a complex subject to discuss.

I do believe lags on televised games and limiting the ability of players to engage in Texas Hold’em poker style cheating is now, and especially going into the future, something that must be unfortunately addressed given our physical advances in communication and calculation. However we may mot be so spiritually evolved to exercise enough discretion regarding the often suboptimal decision to engage in the immediate maximization of payout.

We are all nonetheless human. Hans will play. He won’t be the next world champ and won’t ever be a streaming sensation. That’s probably punishment enough.
@valjr92 said in #1:
> I honestly lost my faith in humanity.
So have I with your post.

> Are you really naive enough to think that a guy who cheated over 100 times online never ever cheated OTB?
Ah yes, the common fallacy of appealing to probability.
Do you have any proof that Niemann cheated over the board in his game with Magnus? Even if Niemann did cheat in the past, you have to understand that people are sympathizing with him because of these cheating accusations in his game with Magnus.
I don't support either side, all I care about is evidence, and unfortunately there's none regarding his recent OTB matches, until proven, the man is innocent.

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