
Can i be a GM

The sad thing is that not everybody who tries becomes a GM. It is impossible to know beforehand if you can. You can try and see how it goes. Be prepared to work hard for at least 10 years.
@Aarav4070 said in #27:
> Ok any suggestions for openings

You don't need to worry about openings now. Dive in some classic games. And if you ask people what openings are suitable for you, make sure you ask people who know you well. And hear for what reasons they think an opening is good for you.
@EvilPyrokar said in #4:
> U r 11, u could even become the next Tyson. Its all in ur hands.... Work hard for what u dream of
but don't be like Tyson and use both hands!
and now more serious:
if you love chess and it becomes more interesting to you every day that is a good start.
joining a chess club is also a good step. You'll meet people who encourage you and find a group of friends who also love chess, and maybe then you'll find a good coach.
"BENJAMIN FINEGOLD (born Sep-06-1969 ...) ... Ben became a USCF Life Master at 15, USCF Senior Master at 16, an International Master in 1989, and achieved his final GM norm at the SPICE Cup B Section in September, 2009. ..."
"... born Jan-05-1952, ... GM Leif Øgaard was awarded the IM title in 1974. ... He got his final GM norm in 2007."
"MARK IZRAILOVICH DVORETSKY (... died Sep-26-2016 ...) ... He was ... awarded the IM title in 1975. Dvoretsky was also a FIDE Senior Trainer and noted author. ... During the 1970s, Mark was widely regarded by the strongest IM in the world, ..."
"To become a grandmaster is very difficult and can take quite a long time! ... you need to ... solve many exercises, analyse your games, study classic games, modern games, have an opening repertoire and so on. Basically, it is hard work ... It takes a lot more than just reading books to become a grandmaster I am afraid." - GM Artur Yusupov (2013)
No. I doubt you can be if you have to ask. You lack focus and confidence. Just give up now.
there are 600 million to a billion people on earth who know the rules of chess and not even 2000 made the GM title
lol at the people commenting "you can't do it in 20 days." They're clearly saying they're turning 11 in 20 days.

Anyway big props to @Aarav4070. At such a young age to have a dream and be working towards it--even if it's still a long way away--is impressive. At least compared to someone like me, who basically floundered in life for my whole teenage years and only now (at over twice your age) is vaguely finding happiness and my own version of success (as much as it still isn't easy). Good luck whether you make GM or twists and turns take you to an even better destination in life!

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