
Crazyhouse seek as white

It bothers me whenever I see people seek a crazyhouse game, but give themselves white. On one hand, I'm desperate to play some good crazyhouse games, but on the other hand, I lose more often simply because I play black. (White has about a +3 advantage at the start according to stockfish. It's not enough to guarantee a win, but it's significant.) I just played someone who has 1141 games as white out of 1992 total games, which is about 57% white.

Even worse, some people abort and then ask for a rematch when they have the black pieces.

I think it would encourage fair play if crazyhouse rated games must be seeked as random color, and somewhat higher penalty given for aborting a crazyhouse game as black. (Obviously, sometimes a real life situation may happen, but it is quite annoying.)
I don't think the ability to specify color in rated games should exist at all. I think it is weird. That said, it does exist, and it is simple enough to just never accept those challenges. If you see the same person doing it constantly, block them, and you won't see their challenges in the lobby anymore.

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