
Who created Alekhine's Defense?

Who created Alekhine's Defense was Alekhine himself or someone else? Why does this defense have that name?
@sm2019 said in #1:
> Who created Alekhine's Defense was Alekhine himself or someone else? Why does this defense have that name?

Because Alexander Alekhine made the move 1...Nf6 to challenge the status quo, so to speak.
One of the earliest recorded practitioners was Napoleon Bonaparte, who played it in 1802 against his mistress according to *cough* another chess website.
But Bonaparte's famous modesty wouldn't allow another chess opening to be named after him, after his genius already bequeathed to us the Napoleon Opening (1.e4 e5 2.Qf3)

That's my theory anyway and I'm sticking to it.
The oldest game with 1. e4 Nf6 in Megabase 2023 was indeed played by Napoleon Bonaparte. In Budapest 1921 both Alekhine and Boris Kostić played the opening , but Alekhine played it a bit earlier that year in a simul in Zürich.

In Budapest 1921 Alekhine played it in the 10th of September and he, and Kostić, repeated it on the 15th. So, if only strong players are considered, the opening should indeed be named as the Alekhine's Defence.
The Alekhine's defense was created by GM Defense
I think that Alekhine played 1. Nf6 trying to prove that it was a bad option since he was not totally convinced about the Post Modern Theory!

So, Alekhine should not deserve the name of Opening.

According to the comments above that move should be called: The Napoleon Defence!

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