
How do I play against myself?

Unfortunately board editor and analysis games are not saved as you close the tab (I consider this a bug and I think that the sessions should be saved in cache or on server like studies to prevent loosing your work). If you want the game to be saved you can [create a study]( Of course don't forget to check the computer analysis checkbox off in the game preferences.
The steps are ...
2) If you wish, toggle local evaluation off
3) Press lower menu icon
4) Make your first move
5) Press flip board
6) Continue your game.
7 ) Press menu
8) Move you mouse over pgn moves to see the import button.
That saves some interactions, thanks.

Are these short cuts listed somewhere on the site?

If they are not all grouped together in a common place, then maybe they should be, like in a menu tab called Tools»Keyboard Shortcuts.

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