
Most aggressive checkmate ever?!

sure..u are the best chess player in the fucking world who ever existed..oh w8 let me see your insane ratingpoints^^
sure..u are the best chess player in the fucking world who ever existed..oh w8 let me see your insane ratingpoints^^ @Xo What is that ment to say?
What happens if black defends with 21...Qf8?
@tpr On 21...Qe8 22.Ne6? then black still plays 22...Bf8! If White plays 23.Nxc7? then black continues with 23...Bxh6! and if 24.Nxe8 Rxe8 and black has two pieces for his four pawns. Thus, black has a clearly winning position. If instead 23.Rg7?? then 23...Bxg7 and black is winning again. Therefore, 21...Qe8 seems like a better move to me.

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