
Weird openings?

Does anyone else feel insulted when someone does an opening like the bongcloud, or the ware or any other weird openings? Or is it just me?
Each to their own, especially online!

If you feel insulted then you must believe that their opening choice is poor - then take advantage of it. But remember, most lines are playable if you know them better than your opponent.

Chess Coach
New Zealand
I did in the past, and still sometimes do.

It's definitely an ego thing, pure vanity. Anyone can play what they think brings fun to them.
Chess is a ruthless game. If you believe an unconventional opening is insulting, you might be thinking they're looking down on you since they think they can run a weird build and beat you. Crush them and prove it. If they beat you, then you were wrong, weren't you?
Furthermore, if their unorthodox opening has led you to underestimate them, then it looks like their ploy worked. ;)
Bongcloud has 60% winrate for Black on Lichess. I think it's very natural to be insulted. Imagine a friend equal to your skill insists on starting the game a rook down. You'd be like "dude wtf just play the damn game" wouldn't you? Because you wouldn't be satisfied whether you win or lose a game like that. Bongcloud is not that extreme but I'm trying bring some perspective.

That being said, I don't mind facing trash like Bongcloud.
One of the ways I got to get my title was by playing openings that my opponents didn't know. Were they dubious? Yes. Were they effective? Yes. I still use these "sub-optimal" openings in my repertoire such as the Budapest Gambit, Scotch Gambit, and Philidor Defence.
Karpov felt insulted when Miles played 1 e4 a6 against him and when Larsen played 1 e4 d5 against him. Karpov lost both games.
Present mainstream openings were once considered dubious. It is only after a top player picks it up and scores successes that it becomes mainstream.
Marshall Gambit, Benkö Gambit, Najdorf, Sveshnikov, Kalashnikov, Giuoco Piano, Scandinavian, Alekhine, King's Indian Defence, Scotch, Four Knights... were all dubious at some time.
I sometimes play the Creepy Crawly, surprising how much I win with it. IM Michael Basman has beaten many GMs with unsound opening.
I unironically play outrageous openings, even in slow serious games. It's supposed to be all in good fun, but I cant help but find it funny when my opponents get offended. However, it is quite rare for them to get offended.

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