

Why does stockfish claim I blundered leaving a draw possibility in this game (move 41)? I do not see any drawing chances for white. Thanks

I agree, the move Stockfish suggests does not lead to a draw, and once played, it correctly realizes it's mate in 5.

Quirky bug in Stockfish perhaps. I wonder if it drops the depth of search when it sees mate (because you go from mate in 3 to mate in 6) and then horizon effect kicks in. (Speculation here of course...)
I'm sure you're right, but can you explain how? Stockfish's suggestion leads to mate in 5 and I can't see for myself how.

Unless I'm mad (possible), White only has three legal moves and they are all mate in 5?
The engine gives the position as 0.00 because after 42.Kc3 we reach the same position as 40.Kc3. The position is still won, but the engine marks it as 0.00 because the position is repeated.
Aha! :)

I saw someone ask about that in another thread, should have remembered. Well spotted.

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