
Interesting Variant Idea

so I made up a new variant idea called trade-in chess, how it works is at any point in the game, you can trade your pieces for the number of pawns they're worth and place the pawns wherever you want. So if you have a queen, you trade it for 9 pawns and so on. there could also be sound ground rules like no placing pawns on the seventh rank, no giving checks with the pawns ect...

What do you guys think?
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What would you do if the board fills up? If both sides exchange all their pieces for pawns, you have 62 additional pawns to place, beside the two Kings and the 16 original pawns, but the board only has 64 squares, not 80. (And, given that pawns can promote, there's no limit on the number of paws you may need to place).

But in general, for proposed variants: 1) Did you check the chess variants website? 2) Did you play test it? Play testing is much better way to find out whether it's an interesting game than just describing it and asking people what they think.

(It probably gives white a big advantage. Exchanging a Knight for pawns on c4, d4, e4 on the first move seems like a good way to dominate the center).
I like the idea PseudoBenko but how about, that you can Only trade One piece per move?
Play bughouse on @chesscom@ bro, and you can have 1 million ideas !-)
@PseudoBenko How about if you could trade them in your anything that equals them in points, like 1 queen you could get 3 knights, or a rook, a bishop, and a pawn?
you should make it that you cant place more than one pawn a move
Some random thoughts:

Sacrificing a piece for a mating attack is far less likely to work -- a defender has to option to exchange one of his pieces for a wall of pawns.

Fools mate doesn't exist.

Castling on the third move becomes a possibility.

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