
Fischer's 60 memorable games

Hello, I'd like to read "My 60 memorable games" of Bobby Fischer. I'am a blind chessplayer and the book isn't available in audio, neither in braille or readable digital form.
So the best option for me is to combine a pgn-file with a youtube channel where these games are discussed.
What is the best youtube channel, where squares or regularly mentioned as well?
Or, if you think there's a better solution, please let me know.

Many thanks.
Greetings from Locochat
I am looking
Thank you, I think I've seen this game, analysed by KingsCrusher. The order of games is different from the book, but that is not much of a problem. But indeed, there are only 45 games.
Thanks anyway.
There is an EPUB version of 60 memorable games available that is readable with text to speech; i did a brief test with the ReadAloud app, and it works fine

There is one drawback however; since it uses figurine notation, the pieces initials are incorporated as images instead of text, and so are skipped; it makes following the game notation a little confusing since you need to guess some moves based on context, but it's the best I could find with the integral book

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