
what will happen if Ukraine wins in Russo-Ukraine war?

Ukraine will defeat Russia? Everything goes just the other way around. Slowly but surely, Russia is crushing Ukraine. The Serbs even came up with it: Ukraine took first place in Eurovision. And what about Russia? And Russia liberated Kherson, Melitopol, Mariupol.
Even if Putin manages to occupy all of the Ukraine the economic and military repercussions will cost Russia more than they gain.

Occupying a nation with a hostile population will be a permanent drain on military equipment and troops and make for an easy target for opponents to fund and supply resistance movements.

The world now see's Russia as a hostile and aggressive nation run by an dictatorship who cannot allow free press or opinion in Russia to exist.

The sanctions and Europe's move away from Russian oil and gas will remove a major source of economic and political strength.

Nato is renewed in purpose , it's funding has been dramatically increased plus it is expanding ( Finland , Sweden and perhaps others in time ) to counter any future attempts by Putin to invade.

So they have indeed lost already if the goal was to improve Russia's status or position , but in truth that was never the goal.

This was simply the very old technique of using a military campaign to bolster a dictatorship's control and popularity.
@Olesya_K said in #14:
> I do not blame you for your patriotism, but I believe that Ukraine will not be able to resist Russia.
Are you happy with what the Russian army is doing? Is it OK to you what they did near Kiev? Or in Mariupol? Or now in Donbas, destroying everything in the cities?
Would you still be OK if it was Moscow instead of Mariupol?
@Olesya_K said in #29:
> Нет, я против. Меня просто бесит когда нашу страну считают, просто говоря, мусоркой. Когда на нашего президента возводят поклеп. В этой войне виноваты не мы.
russia is indeed trash country ruled by war criminal they chosen. and people there do not have any impact on their lives as they continuously love to tell on the forums ("russians are not responsible" bullshit). what differs you from North Korea is more weapon, yet.
@Alex_1987 said in #46:
> russia is indeed trash country ruled by war criminal they chosen. and people there do not have any impact on their lives as they continuously love to tell on the forums ("russians are not responsible" bullshit). what differs you from North Korea is more weapon, yet.
Not only that, russian people have more access to true information compared to NK. If they want to find out the information...
The only way to find out is to wait and see. There is no answer until the future is the present
@Uchenik2010 said in #5:
> Ukraine would have given up long ago if NATO and the EU had not supplied it with weapons.

Not "given up"... been crushed under the tank-treads of an illegal murderous vengeful invasion by a maniac who is now likening himself to Perter the Great.
Why do you ignore the help the rest of the world is giving Ukraine? Does that not tell you something?
Isn't this like asking what will happen when hell freezes over ?

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