
(PSA) Please be respectful when playing long games.

If you seek for a game longer than 5 minutes, expect your opponent to take their time. 3 times in the past four days I have had opponents, in some way shape or form, attempt to harass me into moving early. Just be considerate, you and your opponent both have x amount of minutes, how they choose to spend theirs is their own choice.

Have a good day,

#2 I dunno what that means but I do see that you use chess computer assistance, so that's cool.
Agent you don't understand I've been so triggered lately from this nonsense it's not okay
I mean if they do that, it's just bad sportsmanship. They know that they're being annoying and disrespectful. A forum post isn't going to fix anything. :( The best way to get them to shut up is to beat them >:D (Or block them, that works too but is less satisfying.)
If they are annoying OTB, it would be very satisfying to beat them with a block.
#7 I thoroughly believe blocks should be supplied at all OTB tournaments now.
What's the difference between harassment and being annoying? usually people have differentiating opinions on what the difference is.

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