
Knowing Knight & Bishop Checkmate is Useless

Ben Finegold has B+N mate all the time in blitz against weak players online because he sacs everything deliberately to come down to it.
@what_game_is_this I suppose the most stylish rejoinder would be to get a winning position against him and then sac everything and underpromote and mate with three knights. No idea how easy it is to mate with three knights but it can't be that hard. I mean there's three of them.
As mentioned before I suppose noone here will win Q vs. R against a tablebase.
Yeah, right, study for K+Q vs K+R would probably be more useful, but I love to practice B+N. Players who study hard and try to improve fast will surely find that their limited time and energy is better spent on more likely problems.
I have had the B+K many times in my life - and I always win them due to mye practice at it. I mean that all endgames are worth practicing because it's better to know them and maybe not come in to them ever, but it's not comfortable to come in an endgame you know is won or drawn, but you don't know how to do it and you maybe lose or drawing it :(
Bishop and knight mate is often a rite of passage when you get close to expert level.

What I've sometimes seen at OTB tournaments is a lower-rated player might outplay a higher-rated opponent in a bishop and knight endgame and go up two pawns. Then the higher-rated opponent sacrifices both of their pieces for the player's pawns transitioning to a bishop and knight mate endgame and basically saying "Let's see if you know it!"

Fortunately it is not a difficult checkmate to learn. Once you learn the general technique, you won't forget it.

Queen vs. rook on the other hand... Now that's a really hard one!
I learned a lot about chess by studying and practising the bishop and knight mate. It forced me to focus on what squares are covered, how to build a net, using zugzwang to force king moves, and so on. True I have only had to play it once, but to me, it was worth it for the learning. Same with rook against knight, when sometimes you can trap the horsey.
As @Sarg0n and @KingsKnightTwitch say, queen v rook is impossibly hard for me. I have never been able to comprehend driving the king and rook back. I did learn how to execute the final mating maneuver. I disagree that bishop and knight is easy. It wasn't for me.
Endgame study and knowledge does translate into the other stages (I think) but mostly I study endgames because they are fun, not to raise my point count.

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