
9. ... f5 in the old/modern CK ain’t stupid

Caro, Tartakower, Kortschnoj, Donner amongst many others played Nf6 CK.
#30 #31
I stand corrected. Indeed Caro played 4...Nf6 e.g. against Berthold Lasker along 4...Bf5. Nimzovich invented the 5...gxf6.
Fun fact: gxf6 was supposed to be the better one of the two dubious ones (after exf6).
Bronstein in "Zürich 1953" called 4...Nf6 superior to 4...Bf5. He mentioned 5...gxf6, but he did also play 5...exf6.
When Korchnoi played 4...Nf6 and 5...exf6 against Karpov it was commented as a provocation.
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This was the latest corr. game that I could find. Black lost on time... Looks around equal though.

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