
Server issues

us older folk' blame the young' ... i did with my son hehe' ... i said what the ,,, are u doing ... he was sleeping ' ... i did for a change apologize hehe @Lichess
@soccerfreak1213 said in #7:
> They will be punished to the highest extent of the law

that is lifetime jail

there should also be cyber jail, where they trace the hacking code to the hacking computer and hack it (shut it down till the hacker pays ransom)
@youbeatmelol said in #4:
> do we get rating refund for games we disconnected from?
@Santiagodm said in #5:
> nope

well there might be a thing such as simultaneous disconnection LOL
also if bots add stockfish to their arsenal they can start reaking havoc on the lichess Chess capcha forums
lastly people cuss and say inappropriate things but nothing is done
@RX-78-2MG said in #13:
> that is lifetime jail
> there should also be cyber jail, where they trace the hacking code to the hacking computer and hack it (shut it down till the hacker pays ransom)
That's called revenge.
@Lichess said in #1:
> Apologies for any connection troubles over the past few hours. Lichess has been the target of several DDoS attacks and we are working on minimising the impact.

somebody attacked Lichess. What do they want from Lichess?

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