
Lets do this

So I have been thinking for the last month or so and I want to see the lichess championships. Lets get all the top players and make them face off in blitz and bullet swiss style over a couple of weeks so players can adjust to times and things since I know a lot will be traveling and so on.

GM Hawkeye
GM Arka50
GM Chessbrahs
IM Sparklehorse
IM hiimgosu
FM BahadirOzen
FM JusticeBot
FM TampaChess
FM BeepBeepImAJeep
CM Kingscrusher
NM ferrari9182
NM ChessNetwork

I know I am missing a lot of players that deserve to be on this list and that can be sorted and arranged.

The way it would work is each player in the lichess championships would play each other in blitz and bullet. Each gets a point for a win, half for a draw. After the first week or "interzonal" a certain number would be eliminated and the remaining would face off the next week/interzonal however it was organized.

Once there are 2 players left both would face off in a series of 5 games of blitz, 10 games of bullet and the last with one game of "classical" (10 or 15m).

In the regular zonals/week playoffs it would be set up bracket style where you would play a set of 6 games 3 blitz and 3 bullet (or however it was set up) against your random parings, competing to get points.

We can hold this over 4 or 5 weeks games can be held at different times to suit the players. Would enjoy the best streamers to all participate.

If the users and top players of lichess would like to do this I would be glad to take any suggestions and put this on and run it. Very good community we have here and it would be cool to have a championship for the top players. ;)

Once again I am an ideas kind of person. I spill ideas left and right. Anything to do with this or suggestions I would love to hear.

Thanks users of lichess. :D
I said face off in swiss style but round robin or elimination would also work.
@noob2chess i can offer a $$$ prize if all of the games are streamed on twitch :) by those players :)
Would love to see that DST001. Maybe Bitchess can also help sponsor? This summer I will do some streaming and would like to do commentary maybe with another streamer that does not want to play in the tournament but would like to participate somehow.
This would be so awesome! I kind of doubt it's going to happen though. Anyways, all good ideas are worth a shot :)!
I will be persistent and make the mods/devs of lichess give me what I want and the users what they want as well. :)
I dont care for the rest but i would love to see Hawkeye playing bullet.
This is very good idea, thanks a lot Gregory. It's fantastic to see bullet superstar and legend GM Hawkeye return to online chess!

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