
Can white win this endgame?

The position starts with black to move but the question is whether this is an endgame white can win or is it some hidden table-base where there is a technical draw?

On general grounds I see little prospect of Black drawing this. Black must keep the rooks on the board and in the rook-and-pawns ending the black king is badly placed to stop the g-pawn (and can be kept away by the white rook).

The position has too many bits on the board to be reachable with the tablebases.
If white makes a mistake in this middle game
It will be draw or win for black
But if white plays this endgame perfectly this endgame win for white
Just to expand on what BrianE said, the endgame tablebases currently max out at 7 pieces and sit over 8 terabytes in size.

8-piece tablebases are expected to be in the 2+ petabyte range. Assuming new drives, that's about $20k in hard drive space on the low end at $10/TB, which is the going rate. Not SUPER prohibitive, but I'd guess you won't be downloading them off syzygy any time soon..... like you can now with the 7 piece one.

So to answer your question, the best thing is to use stockfish, and the analysis board here:

Running this here, out to depth 50 or so, the analysis board is saying +3.8 for white. This is a massive advantage for white, especially in an endgame. White will win with perfect play. While the material difference is "only" +1, that extra g-pawn in the end game makes all the difference, which requires the black rook's (and potentially the black king's) attention. Once you start pushing pawns, even the case where rooks are traded off, white is just faster --- and potentially promoting with check.

Now can *I* lose this end game as white? Definitely!

Hope this helps color the situation.

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