

Hey guys hope ur well
I need a little help,that do u have any good openings for the game?
For black i play sicillian defance but i have a problem
If the white play d4,i cannot play c5 bcz
1.i dont know it
2.i cant play d4 opening very well
So can u help me with a little things?
That can u show me some d4 games or any advice about some openings?
If u reply,u help me very much. Thanks <<33
Sure, @ is the forsmost therotical way to practice d4, whereas, the more practical way goes for trap, just look at @,_Elephant_Trap or @,_Rubinstein_Trap, your choice but for that way you need to have some practice with the white side, plus it is a good thing if you lose, you got to analyze by yourself ( don't use engine as it spoils a person's game) that way you'll find your interest and thirst to improve,. I would also advise to do good puzzles, some easy and tactical some more thinkable as strategical,it will make you improve faster, it needs the black side good middlegame ideas. Try to learn mostly for this opening cuz, it really needs good practice for black or black woudn't survive the attack. @ and @ The books you could try is.., this is the first part of build up, it has many more, and for endgame,@ As for opening, the best way is chessbase, you can research in that. you have to download it.
just copy paste the link and then it will open don't click it it shows somebody's user name.
You could play the Pure Sicilian, Scotch, French, Nimzo-Indian, or Ruy-Lopez as White.
As Black, you could try the Sicilian Dragon And Queen's Gambit Declined.
whenever I face d4, as black I play the king's Indian diffence- try it out in a game it's a good opening
Easiest to learn is Stonewall Dutch.
Safest is Nizmo-Indian.
Most active, but most theory, is King's Indian.
Most solid is Queen's Gambit Declined, but you'll be defending most games.

You can answer d4 with c5, or later as in the Sniper, as white doesn't get any real advantage.

The question needs more information. I believe you'd love an open position with lots of tactics, which is probably the Grunfeld Defense. If you're not afraid of gambits, the Budapest and the Albin Counter Gambit are fun.

If you need more help, feel free to ask.
"... One final note before we get started. In the forthcoming sections, you'll see that Black often needs to sacrifice material in order to maintain an acceptable position, or take on horrible positional weaknesses to activate his pieces. I think that the opening is sound, and these concessions lead to good compensation, but if you disagree then there's nothing wrong with your chess judgement - you simply should play something else. Even some grandmasters are very sceptical about the merits of the King's Indian (Korchnoi being a prime example), so you'll be in good company! ..." - IM Sam Collins (2005)

If one is really determined to learn about the King's Indian, perhaps it would make sense to look at First Steps: The King’s Indian Defence.

"... As Black, I think that [players with very limited experience] would do well ... playing ... 1...d5 versus 1 d4. ... [After 1 d4 d5, if] White plays the most important move, 2 c4, inexperienced players might want to begin classically with 2...e6 followed by ...Nf6 and ...Be7 ..." - IM John Watson (2010)

Some of us think that it can be useful to use a book like First Steps: Queen's Gambit as a source of games with explanations intended for those just starting to learn about an opening.
The turning point in my career came with the realization that Black should play to win instead of just steering for equality. -- Bobby Fischer

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