
Will Cham return to the forum, ever?

@cham said in #11:
> :/ ...
Hi cham. can you make me a moderator? I wont hack everyone's account. I promise!! (btw, I don't even know how to hack or hurt someone's account)
personally i think this was the last we've seen of this cham on the forums.
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #20:
> I wonder if Cham ever pounders about how much money, the horsey could generate if now sold as a NFT?
> Harvey Ross Ball, the artist who designed, the now world wide recognized "Smiley Face" designed that for an insurance company, and received 45$ in commission (USD in 1960's value)

I can truthfully say that I have not and never will
@cham said in #24:
> I can truthfully say that I have not and never will
Come on. We share the money? 70/25% my way? :-D
Don't worry, I will donate to charity, all 100% of your part of the profit.
@cham said in #24:
> I can truthfully say that I have not and never will

OMG you created horsey?!!!
Some historians say that no real woman ever existed. The "Cham" story may only be a composite of various semi-historical mythical figures
I spoke to her once years ago. She's a nice person.

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