
Why this game is draw? Can someone explain

If a player runs out of time then, to determine the game result, the site assumes that the player makes the worst possible moves
I assume it is possible for White to be stalemated
It's a draw because Black ran out of time and White has no mating material. No matter how long the game would continue, White wouldn't be able to checkmate Black.
Black ran out of time so the computer assumes that Black makes the worst possible moves and White the best possible moves
White cannot win, but Black could trigger a draw either by 3 fold repetition or by the 50 move rule, thus it is adjudged a draw
@bracenoodle It has nothing to do with such speculations.
FIDE rules 6.9: "...if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by that player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves."
@laatikko Well while FIDE does not run the site, you are right. However his way of looking at it is accurate. When one player runs out of time the other is awarded the best possible result that can be attained with the material he has. How you want to word it does not matter, I think. But no, the computer does no such thing as evaluating a position or anything like that otherwise we would not see any wins or losses in positions that do have the material to win but have no way for making progress.
@Morozov bearing in mind that he talked about the site and computer evaluations, wording matters, because there's no need to add to "White cannot checkmate" that " matter how bad Black plays." The first sentence is enough, and you can use it in a condition in program for adjudicating a draw. Insufficient material is a computer-simplification of the fide rule, and applies here. The question if the second sentence is needed in reasoning for the fide rule is open for speculation (imo).
if the white player have a pawn, black loses the game, and with 2 Queen, the face of black player must be priceless
Because white has no possible way to win the game basically the equivalent to a stalemate

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