
New opening? e4 c6 f4!?

I analyzed this position on stockfish and the engine line goes:
1. e4 c6 2. f4 d5 3. d3 dxe4 4. dxe4 qxd1+ 5. Kxd1 Nf6 6. e5 ne4 7. be3 bf5 8. nf3 nd7 9. Bd3... Top engine line and it's about +0.5. meaning it's legitimate and works well. Other lines I analyzed we're about +0.2-0.0.
I called it the Moore attack in my study. But I think it's more of a defense. What do you think?
I have played e4 c6 f4 many times as white, many games in the Lichess database too. I often play it because of premoving f4. Usually find myself in 0.0 positions after the opening.
@Sarg0n said in #3:
> New? You're 166 years late!
Here is the game with lichess stockfish vs chess.coms maximum ai
lichess vs
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2022-07-24"]
[White "Guest8124425008"]
[Black "Maximum"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2p5/3p4/4PP2/3P4/PPP3PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1"]
[Termination "Guest8124425008 won by checkmate"]
1... dxe4 2. dxe4 Qxd1+ 3. Kxd1 Nf6 4. e5 Nd5 5. Nf3 Bf5 6. Nd4 Bg6 7. Nc3 Nxc3+
8. bxc3 e6 9. Rb1 c5 10. Nb5 Kd7 11. a4 Be4 12. Rg1 a6 13. Na3 Kc7 14. Nc4 Nd7
15. a5 Rd8 16. Bd3 Bd5 17. Ke2 Be7 18. Nb6 Nxb6 19. axb6+ Kb8 20. c4 Bc6 21. g4
a5 22. Be3 f6 23. exf6 gxf6 24. h4 a4 25. g5 e5 26. fxe5 fxe5 27. Bf5 Rde8 28.
Kd2 Ref8 29. Rbf1 a3 30. Kc3 Rf7 31. Be6 Rxf1 32. Rxf1 Re8 33. Bg4 Be4 34. Rf7
Bg6 35. Rg7 Bf8 36. Rd7 a2 37. Kb2 Ka8 38. Kxa2 Bxc2 39. h5 Be7 40. Kb2 Be4 41.
h6 Bf8 42. Be6 Bc6 43. Rc7 Bd6 44. Bf5 Rf8 45. Rxh7 e4 46. g6 Rd8 47. g7 Be5+
48. Ka2 Re8 49. Be6 Bd4 50. Bxd4 e3 51. Rh8 e2 52. g8=Q Rxg8 53. Rxg8+ Be8 54.
Rxe8# 1-0
Buddy why do you keep making these threads?
All openings have been played in history and most by top players after whom the opening is named and rest by amateurs on popular websites though unnamed.
Actually, I used to play that against my microprocessor (just to get it out of book). Invariably it lead to one of the stranger transpositions I ever did see: 1 e4 c6 2 f4 e5 3 Nf3 ef 4 d4...and somehow a Caro-Kann has become a King's Gambit! (where the move c6 is not without its purpose).

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