
Do you play in a chess club?

I have toyed with the idea of joining my local one but I don't think I'm good enough yet (lichess to fide converter says I'm 1084, would want to be at least 1200). How about you, are you in a chess club? What approx rating were you when you joined?
@zikalify don't go by numbers... if there is a chess club nearby join it, the amount of learning you will get there , you will reach 1200 faster than if you were to wait until you are 1200... don't be afraid to lose...
i joined a weekly one near me before covid when my lichess rapid was only around 1500-1600 and i was worse than most the people there but it was still worth it

sadly it permanently closed since covid

edit: so yes u should join it
Just join the club. I’m supposedly about 1300 but I’m easily the worst player there but nobody really cares about that. The social side is good.
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If I were you, I'd join immediately.

No-one will care about your rating. Everyone going to a club want to improve and/or have fun playing chess with other people. It is an amazing experience.
In club but over age limit (of 12). Anyone got any recommendations for others?
@zikalify said in #1:
> I have toyed with the idea of joining my local one but I don't think I'm good enough yet (lichess to fide converter says I'm 1084, would want to be at least 1200). How about you, are you in a chess club? What approx rating were you when you joined?

The point of chess is to play OTB. Join. And yes, you will have personalized help, so you will improve faster.

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