
New concept : UBPC

Hi ! Today, I want to make a new « money » : The UBPC (UltraBullet Prizes Coins).

How to win coins ?

-In a tournament :
1st place of our team (If you have more than 20 points) : 100 UBPC
2nd place of our team (If you have more than 15 points) : 80 UBPC
3rd place of our team (If you have more than 10 points) : 60 UBPC
If we finish with the first place :
-50 UBPC more for top 1,2,3 of our team.

In ULTRA PRIZES Tournament : Prizes in description.

-In Swiss :
You can win 50 coins if you are first in « Friday Prizes ».
You can win 100 coins if you are first in « ULTRABULLET LONG »

-In Arenas :
You can win 20 coins if you are first in UBP Tournament.

-Other :

1.If you are in the top 3 of our team classement, you win 1000 coins. (For the moment, @Currenter, the other main captain is out, or I don’t now if I kicked him out or not...)
2.If you bring 10members : 100 coins...
20members : 200 coins...

What can we win ?

500 UBPC - Your name on the team page.
700 UBPC - A Swiss/Arena with your name.
1000 UBPC - You tell me a team message/forum do you want me to do, and I will do it.
5000 UBPC - Leader for 1month.
10 000 UBPC - Leader for 3 months.
50 000 UBPC - Leader for a life.

When you want to know how many coins do you have, tell me in private messages. For prizes (name, Swiss/Arena, team message/forum, Leader) tell me on the team chat.

/!\ You only can win UBPC if you are in our team : UltraBullet Prizes.
Thanks for watching,
See you soon in tournaments, ;)

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