
Important Announcement - Horde WC 2023 Unfair Bans

Thank you @EI_Cucuy for your important support.

Current Voting Results are following:

Yes, both NonpareiI and ARGH-Meanie-UGH should be unbanned, as legit players
67.86% (19 votes)
No, both @NonpareiI and @ARGH-Meanie-UGH must be banned from HWC
28.57% (8 votes)
Unban NonpareiI, but ARGH-Meanie-UGH must be banned
3.57% (1 votes)
Unban ARGH-Meanie-UGH but NonpareiI must be banned
0% (0 votes)

It appears @dude128 fears the power of democracy and accountability
@slavakinvlad said in #2:
> Thank you @EI_Cucuy for your important support.

> It appears @dude128 fears the power of democracy and accountability

you can vote infinite times with a VPN.....

and this is not a democracy dude. This is a online horde team run by one dude with infinite power!
accountability? I make the rules don't sign up for my event if you don't want to concede to the emperor of the HWC Dude128 XD (for legal reasons this is a joke I have seven other people who who investigated with me and agreed that these people need to be banned)
You should say before that tourn@Dude128 said in #3:
> you can vote infinite times with a VPN.....
> and this is not a democracy dude. This is a online horde team run by one dude with infinite power!

No u cant vote infinite with a VPN. Before saying something you should prove that before. This pool is IP protected and it detects VPNs.
@Ibluffuout said in #5:
I know your another alt buckaroo it does not detect all VPNs I'm 100% certain
@Dude128 there is too much conspiracy in your head. as usually you prove nothing@Dude128 said in #6:
> I know your another alt buckaroo it does not detect all VPNs I'm 100% certain
it is too much conspiracy for me now.
@TedMcKenzieK said in #8:
> eh, i think that we should at least know who cast the votes...
using a VPN people could vote infinite times on this hence why I always use forums also I don't deal with nazis so they are out and that's that well ARGHS a good guy not like the rest of em

You can't vote from VPN on the Strawpoll website. That was one more of many lies from @Dude128

Therefore all votes are from legit users.

But @Dude128 don't listen to other players opinions.

All that troll want to do is to ruin HWC 2023

But Horde Community will not let him!

Fair HWC 2023 will be finished in this Team: Reformed Horde World Championships