
AI on lichess

You thought you were being cheated b4. Now enjoy full AI on lichess. They've been training their dragons on you for years.

Now there is like 10 thousand of these users in full glorious AI driven accounts.

Tell me there isn't. I watch the tourneys, I see the big boys play. None of them could really hold a candle to the rank building accounts of the lichess underbelly. Anger them and feel their wrath.
@queenfears said in #1:
> I watch the tourneys, I see the big boys play. None of them could really hold a candle to the rank building accounts of the lichess underbelly.
You are exactly the right person to judge that.
@sheckley666 said in #4:
> You are exactly the right person to judge that.

I'm knee deep where they do their work alright.
i feel it all !! its deep in my stomach where the despair lies, seeping into the environment !!
There are many AI accounts in all Social Media. To make the sites look very active and lively attracting human members.
Looks like you have just discovered the wheel. I keep this possibility in mind each time I play online. Whatever the game or platform is. AI is too old by the way. The whole electronic computing universe is based on AI since the beginning of the previous century. Look further coz this "new" tool is not that good as it seems.

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