
Set puzzle rating lower

Currently i`m 2000+ on my puzzle rating. Solving puzzle 1800 and up.
Can i choose to solve puzzles on 1300-1600 rating to improve my speed/accuracy.
Or just because i find it more fun to solve the daily puzzles that are often much more easy to complete.
I think i would find it fun to solve 150/200 puzzles on a lower rating at high speed within an hour.
Solve hard ones fast, lose points, then you'll get easier ones you can do quickly!
I know the feeling. I always do tactics on the app, so when I want to do a bunch for fun, I'll first *sign out* of the app. It'll still let you do tactics training, just unrated, and it gives you the full range of difficulties, rather than just ones at your level. Highy recommended!
I second rohirrimelf. I also would like to do tactics *a lot* below my tactics rating, because I find it more fun and more helpful.
I feel like solving puzzles way below your rating will not be helpful towards your skill. If you're aiming to notice little tricks and tactics in game, then half the battle is simply being aware that a tactic might exist (and, that the best move will be ~2 or more points better than the next best :P :P)

But if you want the thrill of solving easy puzzles fast, then that's understandable.

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