
my first game post

Not bad, but you shouldnt move a piece two times for nothing, except if you want he open a line for example. As example, your bishop moved twice for nothing at begining.
#26 a bad move, because if your oponent take the queen first, you take his queen with your pawn, then he take your pawn with his bishop. More, now with his bishop, he can control C1 and your pawn H2 is obligate to move alone. And, because your king is not cover, you loose your queen by the check with his queen.
In any case you loose a pawn or a queen.

At begining of the game, you have to control middle or block with pawns and has active bishop(s) and knight(s). More there is pawns middles, more your oponent has little moves choices. Then maintain pressure on the middle. Dont rook too fast because then your oponent can see where is your king for the rest ofbthe game. Even, he can suicide a bishop or knight, only to open a dangerous line near your king.

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