
How many percentage of 100 games is cheat

@Sacmaniac said in #39:
> That's some interesting math @Ganjman #28 and if anywhere near correct I'd probably just quit playing online chess.
> However, you lost credibility by your statement to "Research Flat Earth". And I'd suggest spell check too.
> I'm not saying that you are wrong, the Earth could indeed be flat, I haven't been to the known boundaries to verify this claim. However, how does dwelling on this serve you?
> The governments of the world have already freely admitted that they are in collusion to coerce their population by threat of violence if they don't pay taxes. Do we really need the details after they have already confessed?
> Instead of rehashing JFK, 9/11, Flat Earth, Moon Landing or Santa Claus, and offering no solutions, how about we try to eliminate violence against children by their parents and use the moral argument of the non aggression principle?

Anyway to further elaborate on what you are saying is this. What motivates people? It is called MICE. Money Ideology Conscience Ego. Some cheat for prize money sure. Ideology, perhaps they believe it is their right to win at all costs whatever. Conscience. Maybe some might not cheat because they feel it is morally wrong. Or some do because they feel that everyone is morally depraved and seeking to win illegitimately, and thus cheat back. Ego. Win just to be a winner.

Or what motivates someone not to cheat using this acronym? Money. Earning money legit so as to not get in trouble for fraud. Perhaps. Ideology. Their belief system is against unfair advantages perhaps? Conscience. They know it is morally wrong to cheat, and would not want some to cheat in games against them so therefore they choose not to cheat. Ego. Perhaps they don't cheat because they don't want to be known as a cheater, and maybe they want to learn how to play for real, and not care about some stupid little numbers near the side of their fake name.

Now comes game theory. The first thing a game theorist assumes is that everyone is selfish. Everyone wants to win at all costs. We are talking in the sense of the zero sum game. Which Chess is a zero sum game. There is only a winner or a loser, or a draw. But no one wins in a draw, unless we are talking about rating points, then it makes sense to force a draw against a higher rated opponent. We talk about the Nash equilibrium. It is safe to say that in online chess where there are no consequences other than a ban from which you could make a new account and come back to cheat again, there is very little to dissuade one from using the computer for a little assistance. So there is a risk factor of losing your account, and having to start over again. A minor inconvenience for most. The Nash Equilibrium would be to assume that every player cheats because it is their best strategy to win.

If you cheat and they don't, you win guaranteed. If you don't cheat and they do, then you are guaranteed to lose. If you cheat and they cheat, then it is up to the strength of the engine being used, along with opening book selection, and endgame tablebase. So which has the best payout for the player? To cheat. You will win by cheating guaranteed if the other player doesn't cheat, and if they do, it is the only chance you have to beat them when they are cheating, as you would not stand a chance to beat them out of your own mind.

But people like you and I do not wish to go online and play computers we can't beat, if that were so, we would just play stockfish and forgo playing online altogether. But then there is that 20% chance of a real game and for that reason it is worth it to stomach out the losses and play on. But that is at blitz time controls. You fair better to play a human at super fast bullet time controls because they will need a bot to play for them which the site can detect easily and ban or to engage in a really long time control to get the impatient cheaters out of the way. So you increase your odds of playing a human by staying out of the time controls where the cheaters reside. Then the game has some value, and for that reason is a good reason not to cheat. Not to mention if you do take a loss to a cheater, you still learned about your own weaknesses so it is really a win win if you look at it from that perspective.

Anyhow. research flat earth! You will find it to be round. Have a nice day.
@mrbasso said in #15:
> That would be pure speculation and the percentage surely depends on the time control.
> I recently played against some obvious cheaters. In superblitz there was a lag cheater and in classical an engine cheater.
> I don't think there are many cheaters active in bullet but plenty of keyboard players.
> My troll opening detects cheaters easily :).
> In this position: r1b1kbnr/pp1npppp/2pp4/7q/2PPP3/2N2N1P/PP3PP1/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 1 7
> 7.e5 is the best move but humans will play 7.Be2 (or maybe 7.g4 or some other unusual move). If someone plays 7.e5 in a bullet game he is a Cheater without any doubts.

@mrbasso I don't think that it is necessarily cheating because that move makes sense since it gives white a good center and a backward pawn on e6.
Anyway, I do not understand the point of cheating. In my eye, an unfair win is empty and worthless.
No one becomes a good player by cheating. And sooner, or later all cheaters get caught so it's a total waste of time.
Hey don't get me wrong @Ganjman because I love a sexy conspiracy and have wasted a lot of calories on just about all of them. As the first person to leave a comment on the Joe Rogan Experiance Podcast #1 around 2009 or 2010 I've entertained a lot of theories.

In fact, I believe strongly we are living in some kind of simulation, as does Elon Musk and even many mainstream scientists.

The simulation theory can easily incorporate all theories into an easily digestible explanation for the madness of the last year and a half too.

By believing in this you and millions of others might consider me crazy, but I can say that equally about things that I don't believe...pick anyone, and eventually they will say something you disagree with and they will sound like a nut job. The universe is between our ears.

When you think about the events of 9/11 twenty years ago, there is a lot of fishy things going on. The mainstream media tells that there was a conspiracy of terrorists that brought down the towers and the , "Truthers", believe a different conspiracy.

Ask most people and they are strongly for one side and few are on the fence. Only one thing is for sure, there was some kind of conspiracy going on.

If you are just trolling everyone, I suppose you got me, well that how you get your fun?

It's the same with cheating at chess, I can understand how that can be fun to many people indulging in "dupers delight".
@Sacmaniac said in #44:
> Hey don't get me wrong @Ganjman because I love a sexy conspiracy and have wasted a lot of calories on just about all of them. As the first person to leave a comment on the Joe Rogan Experiance Podcast #1 around 2009 or 2010 I've entertained a lot of theories.
> In fact, I believe strongly we are living in some kind of simulation, as does Elon Musk and even many mainstream scientists.
> The simulation theory can easily incorporate all theories into an easily digestible explanation for the madness of the last year and a half too.
> By believing in this you and millions of others might consider me crazy, but I can say that equally about things that I don't believe...pick anyone, and eventually they will say something you disagree with and they will sound like a nut job. The universe is between our ears.
> When you think about the events of 9/11 twenty years ago, there is a lot of fishy things going on. The mainstream media tells that there was a conspiracy of terrorists that brought down the towers and the , "Truthers", believe a different conspiracy.
> Ask most people and they are strongly for one side and few are on the fence. Only one thing is for sure, there was some kind of conspiracy going on.
> If you are just trolling everyone, I suppose you got me, well that how you get your fun?
> It's the same with cheating at chess, I can understand how that can be fun to many people indulging in "dupers delight".

I do believe that much goes on behind the scenes that we are not aware of, and that we are lied to on a daily basis by our own governments and the mainstream media, but I am not a flat earther. That was trolling you are right. Haha.
Do you really not understand why someone would cheat at chess @RMario ?

Can you honestly say that with the technology of smart phones and chess engines you have never even once cheated?

I'd be a liar if I said I've never cheated. It's actually very fun...for maybe two or three games. Then as an adult, I'm over it. Of course I'm not getting better and only deceiving myself.

It's time to admit that cheating can be fun and sometimes profitable and humans will always find ways to game the system and find loopholes to win.

Of course it's a hollow victory for you or me perhaps but there are also a lot of children with the technology to win a game of chess which is considered one of the quintessential symbols of intelligence and used in analogies all day every day.

Even if a kid can point out to one family member, friend or enemy their fake chess rating on Lichess, that can be a huge ego boost and beneficial in countless ways to them.

There was a time when it was impossible to cheat with anything more than an opening book or an earpiece or a chess master hidden within an automaton like The Turk. Times they have a changed.

But war is still all about deception and justification for violence. Chess is a kind of bloodless war to many.

I have to admit I don't like to lose rating points to cheaters.

My solution is to stop playing rated games, for my piece of mind because absolutely nobody but me gives a damn about my precious rating points.

All is vanity in this age of social media envy porn I suppose.
@Bongcloudnoobnoob said in #42:
> @mrbasso I don't think that it is necessarily cheating because that move makes sense since it gives white a good center and a backward pawn on e6.

I'm not sure what you are talking about. 7.e5 is good because 7.e5 dxe5 8.g4 is a winning position for white but 7.Be2 also wins of course, just slower. In the Lichess database there are 211 games and not a single 7.e5. It is clearly not a human move if you don't have time to think about it.

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